
In our body we have fat tissue under the skin. This fat tissue is necessary for the health. Due to genetic reasons and extreme weight gain this fat tissues can rais. Also by man and woman at certain areas even diet and sport doesn’t help to loose these fat cells.

The most effective solution to get rid off the fat tissues at this areas is liposuction.

Liposuction is a body shaping operation rather than a weight loss formula. If necessary fat tissue can be taken out from the area of the body where is to much and can be injected in to parts of the body where is a lack of fat tissue.

Is this operation suitable for everyone?
Everyone, who have persistent localized fat after diet or sports, with good skin elasticity and not too much skin looseness can undergo this operation. Otherwise different treatment techniques will be necessary.

In which areas are the most fat concentration?
Men in the abdomen, back and breast region. In the women’s case hips, abdomen and lower part of the lumbar region.

What can be done with this operation?
Broad and a large flattened hips can be changed into a more sexy and dislocated shape. Thickness and rectified irregularities in the leg can be fixed. Abdomen can be flattened. Waist recess is created. Excess of body fat tissue at the bra area can be taken also double chin problems can be solved.

What are the types of liposuction? Is Lipolysis the same?
Liposuction means fat removal. Lipolysis is fat burning.
Laser lipolysis: Fat cells are burned by laser.
Vaser lipolysis: Fat cells are burned by ultrasound waves.

Which treatment is the right one?
My first preference is the laser or vase lipolysis to burn the fat tissue with thin cannulas and after that using the liposuction method for pulling out the burned fat cells. But for patients with very little fat tissue I advise also to burn the fat tissue who are thrown vase with laser or pull out the kidney and lipolysis in fat burn way.

Which method is better?
Each method has it’s own advantages. Which method wiil be more effective is depending on the fat and skin stucture of the patient.

How many liters of fat can be safely removed from a patient?
As I said earlier, liposuction is not a weight-loss operation. 2-10 liters of fat can be removed depending on the patient’s weight.

Does the removed fat come back?
The removed fat cells don’t come back. Fat cells don’t reproduce themselves like other cells after they are removed.

Do I get some irregular fat accumulation at other areas after the fat removal?
This is not the case. If you gain a significant amount of weight than the fat accumulates in all areas of the body.

Is the operation done under general anesthesia?
According to the size of the area the operation will be done under local or general anesthesia.

How long does the operation last? Should I stay in the hospital?
Depending on the size of the area the operation can take from 45 minutes – up to 2 hours. If the process has been applied on smaller areas, the patient can go home the same day. If the process has been applied on larger areas and more fat has been removed, the patient may have to stay in the hospital for one night.

After the operation, does it leave a scar?
If the operations are done with small cannulas there will be no scar.

Will there be irregularities at the skin after the operation?
If the process is done in good hands these problems it is not observed.

Can the removed fat be placed in other areas of my body?
Yes. The removed fat can be injected to every area of the body where is a lack of fat cells.
I prefer applying this procedure also in the face area especially at the cheekbones and for deep lines between nose and mouth.

What should I look for after the operation?
The patient should a wear a post-surgical girdle for 10-15 days and should avoid extremly physical activities for 1 week.