Ear Surgery

The ear is one of the aesthetic points of our faces. I believe that ear surgery should be made in child age before starting the school. Children can be more ruthless than adults. They easier joke about each other. It may create a psychological distress at the children. Especially girls use hair extends to close the ear and boys avoid to cut the hair. To avoid this situation we offer prominent ears aesthetic operations.

Prominent Ear (Ear Surgery) Surgical Process

What kind of operation is Otoplasty or prominent ear surgery?
In general there are two problems at the ears. The central crease in the outer ear is insufficiently developed. The other point is that the ear has little shape and seems to stick out from the head. With ear correction surgery for prominent ears (otoplasty) the surgeon corrects the shape the ear will be remodelled.

How close should be my ears to head? Will they stick more?
The angle between the head and ears should be around 15-20 degrees. This is natural shape.

Will there be a surgically cut? Is that with or rope is more healthy and lasting?
I am combining the two methods at my operations. This is the more healthy and permanent way.

Do I need to have general anesthesia?
I prefer ear aesthetic operation by adult patients under local anesthesia and by children under general anesthesia. But it can also use general anesthesia by adult patients based on the patient request.

How long does the operation last?
The operation takes about 30-45 minutes.

How is the operation done?
It is entered from the rear portion of each ear. If more approximated by subtracting ear cartilage back. No folds are created in the upper part.
The incision used during ear pinning is well hidden at the crease behind both ears. The cartilage is artistically contoured and positioned more back and closer to your head. Also the upper part will be designed new to improve the shape and appearance of the ear.

Will I feel any pain?
The operation will be done under local anesthesia so the patient will not feel any pain during and afterwards.

When can I go home?
Patients who have the surgery under general anesthesia can leave 6 hours after the operation and patients who get local anesthesia can return home immediately after the operation.

Will the stitches be taken out?
Self-melting stitches are used. So there is no need to take the stitches out.

What should I look for after the operation?
I strongly recommend you to use the tennis bandage in the morning and evening for 5 days after the operation. At the 5th day the use at night is needed.

If I receive a blow in my ear does it opens again?
First you need to take care not to receive any blow or damage for 1 month. Afterwards receiving a blow or hit will not affect the ears.

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