Thigh Lift

At the inner thighs there can be sagging with time. This can create problems for patients when wearing a dress or skirt. Reasons therefore can be age, excess weight changes and after giving birth. In such cases we use first liposuction at these areas and afterwards excess skin will be removed.

Is the operation done under general anesthesia?
Operations can be performed with general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

How long does the operation last ? Should I stay in the hospital?
The operation takes approximately 1 hour. You must stay in the hospital for 1 day.

Will there be a scar after the operation?
If only liposuction is done there will be no scar. If thigh lifting will be done a smal incision will be made depemding on the patient’s condition. This small cut will disappear amd adopt with the skin colour within 6 months.

What should I look for after the operation?
After the operation, a special corset is worn and used for 10 days. I also recommend to avoid heavy work for 10 days.

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